Japanese Culture Day - BUNKA NO HI
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Sangha Hall (424 Kilauea Avenue)
10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Download our flyer
Right click on the left image and save as a new image.

MOTTAINAI or No Waste returns to Hilo! Please join the Recycled Art Contest and win! "Kamaboko Sticks? Tofu containers? Foam food trays? Egg cartons?, or any other recycled materials…
Go green and turn them into “recycled art.”

Shichi-go-san kimoto dressing and picture taking
Shichi-go-san simply means seven, five and three. This is the name of a traditional event in Japan to celebrate children's growth and pray for their future well-being. Girls of seven and three years old and boys of five and years old are celebrated.
An opportunity for girls, ages 7 & 3, to be dressed and photographed in a beautiful kimono; while boys, age 5, will be dressed in a hakama.
Fee: $35 - JCA member; $45 - non-member, includes dressing, photograph taken by an expert photographer, two 4x6 photos.
For application and info, email: jcahawaii@yahoo.com or call 969-6437
Seijinshiki dressing
Three lucky 20 year old girls will be selectec to be dressed by an expert Kimono dresser from Japan. Inquire at 969-6437 or jcahawaii@yahoo.com
Omikoshi at 10 a.m.
Join us at our first time ever!
A short but colorful parade complete with Omikoshi from the old JC Penney to Sangha Hall.