President's Message
by Mike Miyahira
April 2019
Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! Happy New Year to all of you.
Stepping into Ivan Nakano’s shoes as president of our association is a daunting task. I hope that I will be able to do half the job that Ivan did.
Looking forward to the next two years I am hopeful that we can continue to provide all of our members with the activities and events that they have come to expect.
Coming soon is our Nikkei Kigyo dinner that celebrates the success of multi-generational businesses, to be held on Friday, May 10, 2019 at the Nani Mau Gardens. We hope that you can attend and help us honor two of our local family owned businesses that evening. Thanks to Roland and Jan Higashi for helping the association put this event on each year.
Our friends from Shibukawa, Japan return in late April to attend the annual Merrie Monarch Festival. We look forward to renewing acquaintances and helping to further the Sister City relationship that Hawaii County enjoys with Shibukawa City.
New Scholarship Committee Chair Dean Fuke is working diligently to get our scholarship applications out and recipients selected. If you know of any deserving student who is pursuing secondary education in Japan Studies, please let us know.